Thursday, November 30, 2023

My First Few Paranormal Events

I use to have a friend who worked at a senior home evenings and night shifts. During that time, I would accompany her to her job and all I did was basically keep her company and to take a nap. It was pretty neat! I even got schoolwork done while I was there as she checked around the facility making sure the residents were still ok or breathing.

Nothing really big or life-changing actually happened there, in fact, my first few ghost experiences were shadow people and poltergeist activities. On a few, odd moments were actually seeing partial entities showing up at the corner of my eyes and my friend actually confirmed that those happened all the time for her and she still hasn't quite gotten the adjustment of getting unwanted company at her job. So yeah, that was my own beginnings of being interested in the paranormal among all the other spooky things I like.

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